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How To Fix Ungrounded Outlets

Do you have an outlet in your home with only two prong holes? This is not just a manufacturing or builder error. Two-hole outlets are a sign of an ungrounded outlet. Here’s a closer look at what these are and what they may mean for your home.

What Is an Ungrounded Outlet?

Ungrounded outlets are outlets that do not have a third prong for grounding (i.e., just the two slits and not the circle). Grounding redirects any hazardous electrical current to prevent damage to the home. For homes built before the 1960s, ungrounded outlets remain a potential problem that you will need to address.

You may be wondering why ungrounded outlets exist. Prior to the Vietnam War era, homes did not have a ground wire. Because it didn’t exist, houses built around this time only had ungrounded outlets. Today, modern building code requires the grounding wire; thus, outlets are grounded and three-pronged.


Why Are Ungrounded Outlets Bad?

Like most outdated things in an older home, there are risk factors associated with an ungrounded outlet. Specifically, the lack of grounding puts you at risk of an electrical shock. If the shock is strong enough, the item being plugged into the ungrounded outlet may be damaged when you attempt to use it. In addition, large shocks can create an electrical fire risk.

If you have ungrounded outlets, you are not legally required to replace them. The National Electrical Code does not apply to already existing circuits, so you can choose to leave them as they are. However, there are definite safety benefits to replacing them. If you decide to replace those outlets, you must ensure the new ones comply with the current rules.

How Can You Identify Ungrounded Outlets

Cartoon drawing of an ungrounded outlet with a three-pronged plug laying next to it

Ungrounded outlets are often easy to identify. Instead of the three holes common in today’s outlets, they only have two. If you have a two-hole outlet, it’s an ungrounded outlet.

What Is the Solution for Ungrounded Outlets?

If you have ungrounded outlets and want to upgrade, you must do so safely. There are two main options available. No matter which you choose, working with a professional electrician will keep you safer and reduce the risk to your home.

The first option is to replace the receptacle with a three-prong grounding receptacle if a grounding wire exists in the home and receptacle box. For this, always check with an electrician to assess the availability of a grounding wire or other mechanism to ground the charge.

If no grounding option exists, then your electrician can help you replace it with a three-prong outlet. However, somewhere on the circuit ahead of the receptacle, you must have a ground-fault circuit interrupter, or GFCI, receptacle. Again, working with a licensed electrician will help you do this process safely.

Call Kolb Electric for Outlet Services

Kolb Electric is here to assist you with all of your needs. When you are upgrading ungrounded outlets, make sure you have a licensed electrician on hand to assist so you can do the job according to the current building codes. Doing so will help you protect your space and the people who live there.

For help with your ungrounded outlets, call Kolb Electric at 877-287-1179 or contact us online to speak to a licensed electrician.

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