During the winter months, homes are slightly more susceptible to electrical emergencies. With extra electrical capacity tied to holiday lights, along with extended use of in-home lights due to shorter days, the stress on your electrical system is definitely increased while it’s cold! That means, sadly, an increase in electricity-related incidents. Don’t fear though—with the help of your DC-area electricians at Kolb, we’ll make sure you stay safe!
Tips for Dealing with Home Electrical Emergencies
Probably the most dangerous and common electrical emergency is a fire. Often, you can see if there is about to be an electrical fire in your home by looking for a smoking outlet. You know the phrase—when there’s smoke, there’s fire! If you see a smoking outlet, you know something has gone very wrong. First, and above all else, call the fire department dispatched to your home. After that, call the experts at Kolb Electric for help getting your home’s wiring back to the place where it should be. However, in the event of an electrical emergency of this stature, its best to follow these tips:
- Never touch a smoking or sparking outlet. A smoking outlet is incredibly dangerous and can result in a potentially fatal shock.
- Escort family and pets off the premises immediately. In the event of a sparking or smoking outlet, it’s best to vacate the building immediately. You don’t want to be caught in case something catches fire.
- Turn off flow of electricity to this outlet. After everybody is safe, double check to see if your circuit breaker is sparking. If so, vacate the area immediately. If not, turn off the electricity to the area of the house where the faulty outlet resides. However, if there is a fire, do not attempt to reach the circuit breaker.
At Kolb Electric, we’re prepared to help you fix your electrical issues in the event of an emergency. If you need an electrician in the Washington, DC, Virginia, or Maryland area, contact Kolb Electric today!
In the event of an emergency, we can quickly be on the scene to help repair: